



Laboratorio di Bioinformatica e

Biologia Sintetica


Letizia Carrara

Nome Cognome

Letizia Carrara, PhD


letizia.carrara01@universitadipavia.itQuesto indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. E' necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.





Born in Pavia (PV), on February 23rd, 1989

Main affiliation

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione

Università degli Studi di Pavia

Via Ferrata 5, I-27100 Pavia, Italy



Current Position

PhD Student, University of Pavia, Italy

Academic Degree

2014 Master Degree in Bioengineering  at the University of Pavia, Italy
Thesis: Analisi dell'effetto sulla crescita tumorale di un farmaco antiangiogenetico mediante modelli matematici: approcci pool e di popolazione. Score: 110 out of 110.
2011 Bachelor Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy 
Thesis: Approccio teorico e verifica sperimentale di campi elettromagnetici e frequenze estremamente basse in ambiente di lavoro. Score: 103 out of 110.

Honorary Appointment

feb-aug 2016 Visiting researcher, Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics group, School of Pharmacy, University College of London UCL, London, United Kingdom

Research Interests

WB-PBPK modelling to describe and predict drug concentration in plasma and at the site of action, with a special focus on antibiotics used for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
PK-PD and K-PD modelling of antitumoral drug with particular focus on antiangiogenic and ciytotoxic compounds using both pool and population approaches.
Knowledge on systems pharmacology and Bayesian estimation. Collaboration with the DDMoRe consortium for the development and standardization of mathematical models of biological systems and drug actions.

Academic Activities

Lessons and Seminars

2015 Course of Models of Biological Systems (Bioengineering Bachelor’s Degree, University of Pavia): pratical lessons on simulation of linear and non-linear compartmental model, parameter identification of linear compartmental model, simulation of enzymatic reactions, stepwise regression, deconvolution. 20 Hours
2014 Course of Models of Biological Systems (Bioengineering Bachelor’s Degree, University of Pavia): seminar on population approaches in modelling. 2 Hours

Thesis Supervising

2016 Curatela di modelli di farmacocinetica e farmacodinamica : test dell'ambiente MDL-IDE e pubblicazione sul DDMoRe Repository.


International peer reviewed journals

  • M.C. Pigatto, R.M. Roman, L. Carrara, A. Buffon, P. Magni,T. Dalla Costa. Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling of etoposide tumor growth inhibitory effect in Walker-256 tumor-bearing rat model using free intratumoral drug concentrations. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016

Proceedings of international conferences

  • E. Borella, L. Carrara, S.M. Lavezzi, I. Massaiu, E. Sauta, E.M. Tosca, F. Vitali, S. Zucca, L. Pasotti, G. De Nicolao, P. Magni. Methods and tools for multiscale modelling in Systems Pharmacology: a review. Proceedings of the PAGE Meeting, June 7-10, 2016, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • M.K. Smith, S. Moodie, R. Bizzotto, E. Blaudez, E. Borella, L. Carrara, P. Chan, M. Chenel, E. Comets, R. Gieschke, K. Harling, L. Harnisch, N. Hartung, A. Hooker, M.O. Karlsson, R. Kaye, C. Kloft, N. Kokash, M. Lavielle, P. Magni, A. Mari, F. Mentre, C. Muselle, R. Nordgren, H. Nyberg, Z.P. Parra-Guillen, L. Pasotti, N. Rode-Kristensen, G. Smith, M.J. Swat, N. Terranova, F. Yvon, N. Holford. Model Description Language (MDL) - a standard for model communication and interoperability. Proceedings of the PAGE Meeting, June 7-10, 2016, Lisboa (Portugal)
  • L. Carrara, B. Ribba, M. Tod, M. Wei, B. You, G. Freyer, P. Magni. Modelling the effect of Sunitinib given alone and in combination with CPT-11 on thetumor growth in xenografted mice.Proceedings of the PAGE Meeting, June 2-5, 2015,Hersonisson (Crete)
  • E. Borella, L. Carrara, S.M. Lavezzi, E. Mezzalana, L. Pasotti, G. De Nicolao, P.Magni. Evaluation of software tools for Bayesian estimation on population models with count and continuous data. Proceedings of the PAGE Meeting, June 2-5, 2015, Hersonisson (Crete)
  • M. Pigatto, R.M. Roman, L. Carrara, P. Magni, T. Dalla Costa. K/PD modeling of tumor growth inhibition after etoposide administration in vitro and to tumor-bearing rats. Proceedings of the PAGE Meeting, June 2-5, 2015, Hersonisson(Crete)


Google Scholar publication list

Last update 29-10-2014