



Laboratorio di Bioinformatica e

Biologia Sintetica


Giulia Lestini

Nome Cognome

Giulia Lestini, PhD


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Born in Rome, on June 13, 1988

Main affiliations

IAME UMR-S 1137, INSERM and Université Paris Diderot

16 rue Henri Huchard, 75018 Paris, France

Other affiliation

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell'Informazione

Università degli Studi di Pavia

Via Ferrata 5, I-27100 Pavia, Italy



Current Position

PhD Student, University of  Paris 7, France and University of Pavia, Italy

Academic Degree

2010 Laurea (BS thesis) Statistics and Informatics for Management at La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
2013 Laurea Specialistica (MS degree) in Statistical and Decision Sciences at La "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.
Thesis: A nonlinear mixed-effects model to study Alzheimer’s disease progression


2013 - today

This PhD is part of the Drug and Disease Model Resource (DDMoRe) project, more specifically for package WP6.2.

2012-2013 Intern as Bio-statistician in Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland

Research Interests

The main research topics are: 

Model-Based adaptive optimal design in pharmacometrics using model averaging approaches with application in oncology



Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Lestini G, Mentré F, Magni P.
Optimal design for informative protocols in xenograft tumor growth inhibition experiments in mice.
AAPS J. 2016

Swat MJ, Moodie S, Wimalaratne SM, Kristensen NR, Lavielle M, Mari A, Magni P, Smith MK, Bizzotto R, Pasotti L, Mezzalana E, Comets E, Sarr C, Terranova N, Blaudez E, Chan P, Chard J, Chatel K, Chenel M, Edwards D, Franklin C, Giorgino T, Glont M, Girard P, Grenon P, Harling K, Hooker AC, Kaye R, Keizer R, Kloft C, Kok JN, Kokash N, Laibe C, Laveille C, Lestini G, Mentré F, Munafo A, Nordgren R, Nyberg HB, Parra-Guillen ZP, Plan E, Ribba B, Smith G, Trocóniz IF, Yvon F, Milligan PA, Harnisch L, Karlsson M, Hermjakob H, Le Novère N
Pharmacometrics Markup Language (PharmML): Opening New Perspectives for Model Exchange in Drug Development.
CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology 2015, 4, 316-319.

Lestini G, Dumont C, Mentré F
Influence of the Size of Cohorts in Adaptive Design for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models: An Evaluation by Simulation for a Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model for a Biomarker in Oncology.
Pharmaceutical Research 2015, 32, 3159-3169.


Lestini G, Ueckert S, Mentré F. Model-based optimal robust design in pharmacometrics. PAGE 2016 Abstr 5794 [Internet]. Available from: [www.page-meeting.org/?abstract= 5794]

Lestini G., Mentré F, Magni P. Optimal design for informative protocols in xenograft tumor growth inhibition models. The American conference of Pharmacometrics (ACoP) October 4 – 7, 2015 in Crystal City, VA 2015

Lestini G., Mentré F, Magni P. Optimal design for informative protocols in xenograft tumor growth inhibition models. PAGE 2015 Abstr 3431[Internet]. Available from: [www.page-meeting.org/?abstract=3431]

Lestini G., Domunt C., Mentré F. Two-stage adaptive designs in nonlinear mixed-effects models: an evaluation by simulation for a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model in oncology. The American conference of Pharmacometrics (ACoP) October 12th – 15th, 2014 Las Vegas, Nevada,

Mentré F, Thu Thuy N, Lestini G, Dumont C, PFIM group. PFIM 4.0: new features for optimal design in nonlinear mixed effects models using R. PAGE 2014 Abstr 3032 [Internet]. Available from: [http://www.page-meeting.org/default.asp?abstract=3032]

Lestini G., Domunt C., Mentré F. Two-stage adaptive designs in nonlinear mixed-effects models: an evaluation by simulation for a pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) model in oncology. PAGE 2014 Abstr 3168 [Internet]. Available from: [http://www.page-meeting.org/default.asp?abstract=3168]


PFIMInterface4.0 (http://www.pfim.biostat.fr/download/PFIMInterface4.0_UserGuide.pdf)

PFIM4.0 Documentation of Examples (http://www.pfim.biostat.fr/download/PFIM4.0_Examples.pdf)


Last update 23-06-2016