Francesca Mulas, PhD
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Academic Degree
2009 |
Laurea Specialistica (MS degree) in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy Thesis: Data and knowledge integration in functional genomics. Score: 110 out of 110 cum laude. |
2007 |
Laurea (BS thesis) in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy Thesis: Analisi dell'espressione genica di cellule endoteliali con stimolo insulinico: normalizzazione, filtraggio, clustering e interpretazione. Score: 110 out of 110 cum laude. |
2013 - 2015 |
Research fellow at the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy |
2009 - 2012 |
PhD Student in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics at the Centre for Tissue Engineering, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy |
Honorary Appointments
January 2014 - today |
Visiting Post-doc at the Boston University, Boston, USA |
2011 - 2012 |
Visiting PhD student at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Research Interests
Integrative bioinformatics, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Network-based analysis, Text Mining, Gene expression analysis, Protein-Chemical interactions, Pharmacogenomics, Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, Pluripotency assessment, Environmental Carcinogenicity
Academic Activities
Other Academic Activities
2013 |
Invited lecture: "Bioinformatics and Regenerative Medicine". Italian National Group of Bioengineering XXXII annual school, September 16th-20th, Brixen (TN), Italy. 2013 school name: "An integrative Approach to Regenerative Medicine" |
2013 |
Invited lecture: "Network-based approaches and systems biology: applications in Regenerative Medicine". Clinical Bioinformatics Course, May 22nd, Ghislieri College, Pavia (PV), Italy. |
2013 |
Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Reti di metaboliti e proteine per lo studio di biomarcatori nelle complicanze del Diabete Mellito" of Martina Poma, Biomedical Engineering Bachelor's Degree |
2012 |
Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Gene network analysis of embryonic stem cells differentiation" of Camilla Colombo, Biomedical Engineering Bachelor's Degree |
2012 |
Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Un sistema bioinformatico basato su reti di proteine a supporto degli approcci polifarmacologici" of Francesca Vitali, Biomedical Engineering Master's Degree
2012 |
Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Network-based interest propagation for document and protein prioritization" of Elisa del Fabbro, Biomedical Engineering Master's Degree |
2011 |
Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Tecniche di data mining per la predizione dello stadio di differenziamento di cellule staminali da dati di DNA microarrays" of Alberto Averna, Biomedical Engineering Bachelor's Degree |
2010 |
Co-supervisor of the thesis: "Computational methods for miRNA enrichment analysis" of Riccardo Beretta, Biomedical Engineering Master's Degree |
Scientific Activities
Journal Editorial Boards
International and National Organizations, Awards
Google Scholar publication list
Last update 15-03-2014