Francesca Vitali, PhD Student
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Current Position
PhD Student, University of Pavia, Italy
Academic Degree
2009 |
Laurea (BS thesis) in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy Thesis: Importazione, conversione dati e realizzazione di un help-online per la Stroke Unit Network. Score: 102 out of 110.
2012 |
Laurea Specialistica (MS degree) in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Pavia, Italy Thesis: Un sistema bioinformatico basato su reti di proteine a supporto degli approcci polifarmacologici. Score: 109 out of 110. |
Research Interests
The main research topics are:Integrative bioinformatics, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Network-based analysis, Gene expression analysis, Protein-Chemical interactions, Pharmacogenomics, Polypharmacology. |
Scientific Activities
International and National Organizations, Awards
2014 |
Young researcher prize at Gruppo Nazionale di Bioingegneria (IV edition) for the best contribution in the area of Medical Informatics/Bioinformatics |
Google Scholar publication list
Last update 02-03-2014